
An ABYSS opens up over AUTOPTIC

Abyss by Saman Bemel-Benrud ( August 2013 | $8 | comicbook ) recently had it's web-incarnation reviewed over at Vorpalizer:

"[Abyss'] primary power lies in its presentation of these mundane markers of late capitalism into vessels of wonder and terror — abysses that can be fallen into, home to ghosts that open one’s eyes to new states of being enabled by the same device you used to pre-order your burrito." -- Sean T. Collins, Vorpalizer 

Separate from that, ABYSS will be seeing the world print-side as an Autoptic debut in 2+ weeks! Since 2D Cloud is on the board (bored?) / committee for this thing (multi-day / event / medium), you can bet your bottom we'll be there. Saman will be in tow at a neighboring table -- hope to see yah there!

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